Advent, Prayer & Conversion

'St._John_the_Baptist',_painting_by_Jacopo_del_Casentino_and_assistant,_c._1330,_El_Paso_Museum_of_ArtLast weekend the readings at Mass urged us to stay awake, eyes alert to the coming of God. There was a challenge to see the Lord in those around us and to live our lives truly believing the Messiah has come among us.

Being alert to the coming Christ is more than just keeping our physical eyes and ears open. It requires opening the eyes of our soul: a conversion.

This week, John the Baptist underscores the point. “Repent for the kingdom of God is close at hand,” he warns. Repent means think again. The gospel writer comments,

This was the man the prophet Isaiah spoke of when he said: “A voice cries in the wilderness, ‘Prepare a way for the Lord’”.

Advent is a season of conversion; a time to make straight the pathway into our hearts for the Christ to come and claim his throne.

An essential component to conversion is prayer. Prayer directs our thoughts and minds beyond ourselves to God. It re-focuses our lives.

This Advent, in both parishes, there are extra opportunities to pray, not least before our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Why not come early to Saturday evening Mass in Wisbech one week and join in prayer before Benediction?

Why not make an effort to come to the Holy Hour in March each Monday between 6pm and 7pm and spend some time with the Lord?