Welcome to the Catholic parish of March and Chatteris.
The Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel & St Peter
8 St Johns Road, March, PE15 8RJ
Diocese of East Anglia. Registered Charity Number 278742
Serving the communities of March, Chatteris, Manea, Wimblington & Doddington
Masses This Week
Lectionary: Sundays Yr B Weekdays Cycle 2 Week 2
Fri 1st Nov All Saints. Holyday of Obligation
10 am Mass
7 pm Mass
Sat 2nd All Souls Day 10 am Mass
6 pm Mass (First Mass of Sunday)
Sunday 3rd Nov 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
9 am Mass Chatteris
11 am Mass in March (People of the Parish)
Mon 4th St Charles Borromeo No Mass
Tues 5th 10 am Mass
Wed 6th 10 am Mass at the Convent, 11 Princes Walk
Thur 7th 10 am Mass
Fri 8th 10 am Mass
Sat 9th The Dedication of the Latern Basilica
6 pm Mass (First Mass of Sunday)
Sunday 10th Nov 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Remembrance Day
9 am Mass Chatteris
11 am Mass in March (People of the Parish)
(Confessions are available before Mass)
Please pray for those who are sick or housebound: Penny Wells, Mary Farrow, Fr Ivan Weston, Estelle Misso, Claire Reynolds, Margaret Griffiths, Beryl Dow, Anna Sullivan, Angela Mattox, Sr Mary Fitzpatrick, Michael Jenner, Iris Dean, Cynthia Marsh, Eileen Heslop and those known to us.
We also remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Alan Guy, Fr Ray Kerby, Billy Jones, Naomi Bray-Allen, Mario Zeraschi, Teresa Powell, Mary Staples, Bill Carolan, Gerald Holloway, Jack Moate, George Clements, John Negus, Mary Bristow, Philip Moore, Margaret Watkins, Anita Neave and Jack Pettingill
News and Events
Please join us for teas and coffees in the hall after 11 am Mass each Sunday
Wednesday Evening Prayer: You are warmly invited to join us for Evening Prayer on Zoom, every Wednesday at 5.00 pm for 5.15 pm. This is prayer and hymns based on the psalms, scripture readings and Mary’s prayer, The Magnificat.
There is a zoom community of over 20 people. Please feel free to join them – once or regularly.
Wednesday Evening Prayer: 5.15 pm on Zoom: For a link, please email: fmmputney2021@gmail.com
Wednesday 13th November Christian Aid Lunch at St. Peter’s noon – 1.00 pm
Wednesday 13th November Women’s Group meeting at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in the group is welcome to visit to find out more about what we do.
Sunday 17th November Cake sale after 11.00 am Mass. This raises money towards the debt on the hall. Please support this sale.
Evening Prayer for our Departed Loved Ones. 7 pm Thursday 14th November
Join us to pray for loved ones who have died. With an invitation to light candles if you wish. Family and friends very welcome.
Light refreshments in the hall afterwards.
Christian Aid Quiz, to be held in our hall, on Friday 15th November. 6.45 for 7.00 pm. Wine & nibbles will be provided. People may bring their own food & drinks. £5 per adult. Items to put into a raffle will be gratefully received. This has always been an enjoyable & fun event.
Advance Notice: Advent Concert. The concert is on Sunday 8th December 2024 @ 4 pm in the Church hall. Admission is by ticket: Adults £5, Children Free.
Evening Prayer for our Departed Loved Ones
7 pm Thursday 14th November
Join us to pray for loved ones who have died. With an invitation to light candles if you wish.
Family and friends very welcome.
Light refreshments in the hall afterwards.
The annual “Shoebox Appeal” will be for the “Link to Hope” charity as last year. If you would like to prepare one, please take an instruction leaflet from the porch or ask Martin; please note the instructions must be followed, and the boxes must be submitted to St Peter’s on Sat 2nd November.
The Autumn edition of Mission Today (Missio) is available on the porch tables. If you are interested in supporting Missio, please take a copy.
Children’s Liturgy This Ministry occurs once every 2 weeks. However, if we had more volunteers we could manage every week. Please volunteer if possible.
There will be a Women in The Bible Study Retreat from 14th – 18th May 2025 at Buckfast Abbey, Devon.
Residential Price in the Hotel at Buckfast Abbey is £760. (Full Board)
Non Residential Price is £320. (Includes Lunch) £150 deposit is required with booking.
Father Paul Maddison is at the Abbey and is now Father Gregory.
Further information please visit the Web site: www.pilgrimagepeople.org
E-mail office@pilgrimagepeople.org
Pilgrimage People 08006123423
Local contact Lesley 07947143864
Interested in working with children and young people?
Leaving school or university in the summer and deciding what to do next? In between jobs, or would like to do something ‘different’? The Diocesan Youth Service is looking for people age 18-30 to join the Ignite Team, sharing the Gospel Message with young people. These are full-time positions initially for 12 months with training, food, accommodation and a monthly allowance provided. For more information see www.rcdea.org.uk/youth
Parish WhatsApp
Did you know that we now have a parish WhatsApp group? Join the group and be in contact with each other throughout the week! Ask for prayers, hear about upcoming events, and see videos of Fathers Lent series!
Sign up by contacting Jason on 07701300096. Signup sheets are in the church as well.
More Readers required at Mass: If you are able to read at Mass, particularly on Saturday evening, please speak to Fr. Nicholas or email: marchrcnewsletter@gmail.com
Reader’s Rota | |||
Saturday evening 6 pm | Sunday 11 am | ||
29 Sep 2024 | 26th in Ordinary Time | Mani Ajoku | Katie Pereira |
6 Oct 2024 | 27th in Ordinary Time | Rebecca Bretherton | Justin Gold |
13 Oct 2024 | 28th in Ordinary Time | Teresa Cannon | Victoria Hyde |
20 Oct 2024 | 29th in Ordinary Time | Emmanuel Ajoku | Sophia Emekwue |
27 Oct 2024 | 30th in Ordinary Time | Mani Ajoku | James Burrow |
3 Nov 2024 | 31st in Ordinary Time | Julie Bartkow | Mary Slotin |
10 Nov 2024 | 32nd in Ordinary Time | Rebecca Bretherton | Angelica Ajoku |
17 Nov 2024 | 33rd in Ordinary Time | Teresa Cannon | Daniel Hyde |
24 Nov 2024 | Christ the King | Emmanuel Ajoku | Katie Pereira |
1 Dec 2024 | 1st of Advent | Mani Ajoku | Justin Gold |
8 Dec 2024 | 2nd of Advent | Julie Bartkow | Victoria Hyde |
15 Dec 2024 | 3rd of Advent | Rebecca Bretherton | Sophia Emekwue |
22 Dec 2024 | 4th of Advent | Teresa Cannon | James Burrow |
24 Dec 2022 | Nativity of the Lord 10pm | Emmanuel Ajoku | |
25 Dec 2022 | Christmas Day 10am | Justin Gold | |
29 Dec 2024 | The Holy Family | Mani Ajoku | Angelica Ajoku |
5 Jan 2025 | Epiphany | Rebecca Bretherton | Katie Pereira |
12 Jan 2025 | Baptism of the Lord | Teresa Cannon | Daniel Hyde |
Financial Matters
Thank you for the recent Sunday Collections.
Thank you for the recent collections.
6th October: £327.77 plus standing orders
13th October: £405.27 plus standing orders
CAFOD Fast Day raised £85
Now that our branch of NatWest has closed in March, all collection money has to be taken to Wisbech. If you are able to help, please consider setting up a standing order instead of cash using the following details:
Bank; NatWest Bank
Account Name: Our Lady’s RC Church
Sort Code 53 – 81 – 42
Account Number 86729101
Please add your name in the reference box
Please make cheques payable to ‘Our Lady’s RC Church’
We are still carrying a large debt on our hall (funded by a Diocese loan) and whilst our outgoings are relatively light at the moment our main source of income is the weekly offertory.
The offertory is to support your Priest, the church and the poor.
Modern Slavery Helpline
A new group began to form in the Diocese last month, to help to cut modern slavery here. In a month, it has grown to nearly 30 members. During 2022, in our Diocese alone, 746 souls were found enslaved and rescued. Police describe this number of enslaved people, as the tip of the iceberg: there are an estimated 4,500 more enslaved people in our diocese waiting for us to find them. Pope Francis wants us to “find” enslaved people. All that means is learning (simply) to spot the signs and safely report them to the Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700. The new group is looking for young & older volunteers to join the group. No previous knowledge or experience required, just a wish to end slavery in our diocese. Please contact john_simong@hotmail.com to discuss possibly volunteering and read about the issue and see the leaflet about St Bakhita (regarded as the patron saint of Modern Slavery) at https://www.rcdea.org.uk/caritas-east-anglia/modern-slavery
CSSA audit backs safeguarding services in Diocese of East Anglia
The Diocese of East Anglia has been awarded a judgment of Comprehensive Assurance by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) in an audit of its safeguarding provision.
The audit was conducted in Spring 2023 and the Executive Summary of its findings have been published here. It is hoped that parishioners and visitors to our diocese will be reassured by its findings. Bishop Peter, clergy and all who work and volunteer in the diocese are encouraged by it and remain committed to following up on the small number of recommendations to further improve. Particular gratitude is due to the Diocese’s Safeguarding Coordinator and Administrator, and to all Parish Safeguarding Representatives for their hard-work and commitment, which is reflected in this report.
Web link to use:
A community of worship
Christ is always present in his Church…He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass not only in the person of His minister …. But especially in the Eucharistic species. By His power He is present in his sacraments… He is present in His word…He is present finally when the Church prays and sings… Adapted from Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
The above words reminds us how the presence of Christ is our business.
Challenges – are we discussing and talking about the call to priesthood with our children and grandchildren?
Would you be willing to serve at Mass?
Would you present bread and wine?
Present in the Eucharistic species – remember that Jesus Christ is present in our Church in the tabernacle!
In His Word – would you consider reading at Mass?
Would you think about helping visitors and newcomers find their way around?
When the Church prays and sings – what about helping our musicians, finding time for personal prayer etc.?
“If I, your Lord and master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash each others, feet” John 13. 14
Practical service in our parish:
1 Cleaning and gardening
A small number of people keep our church and front garden clean and tidy – one hour a month could achieve a lot. If you are interested please contact Lesley Kennedy via marchcatholicpriest@gmail.com
2 Counting the collection
This requires about 1 hour per week. Contact Richard Ramsay if you can help please on marchrcnewsletter@gmail.com
2b Finance Committee and Treasurer
A Finance Committee is a requirement of canon law. This is a group of people willing to advise on how we manage our money e.g. if we need a repair to our heating system would you help check estimates etc.
If you can manage a household budget and look after your own property you are probably qualified. Please speak to Father Nicholas about this.
2c Treasurer – we have to keep track of our income and expenditure and prepare annual returns for the diocese. Much of the work is done through the bank but we need someone familiar with internet banking and spread sheets to help with this.
3 Our Service should go beyond the Church door
Can you help with the Food Bank and Christians against Poverty – see notice
Can you help visit housebound people in our own parish – contact Father Nicholas if you are interested.
You will be my witnesses …. to the ends of the earth (Acts 1.8)
How are we witnesses as a parish ?
“Catechesis” comes from a Greek word meaning to hold on to or possess – so it means knowing what we have as Catholic Christians.
At a baptism the new Christians ears and lips are blessed with the following words :
May the Lord open your ears to hear his word and your mouth to speak his praise.
In catechism we discover then what we have been given, so that we can pass it on to others.
WE have the following opportunities:
Children’s liturgy
This takes place during the first part of our Sunday 11am Mass and is directed at children under 7. It is not a lesson but an opportunity to explore and pray about t he readings of the Mass in a way suited to their age.
First Communion Preparation
This is available for children aged 7 and above. Our present course is about to conclude with the celebration of First Communion on 11th June.
What we need :
Catechesis for children aged 10 and above. This would include preparation for Confirmation
Can you help ?
Please speak to Father Nicholas or Mrs Theresa Cannon if you are interested
What about the grown -ups ?
We all need some input at different times. WE have had talks after weekday Mass and in the evening. WE are investigating widening our scope through use of zoom or Facebook. Could you help ?
Why do all this – what we know a bout we can talk about and act on so that we can become bearers of Good News for t he people around us !
If you are willing to take on the administration for the red Missio Boxes please contact Fr Nicholas or email marchrcnewsletter@gmail.com. Training will be provided.
Readers required for Mass: If you are happy to read at the 6pm or 11am Masses, please email marchrcnewsletter@gmail.com or contact Fr Nicholas.
Many hands make light work. If anyone can manage 1 or 2 hours a month, that will be very helpful.
Please contact Lesley to join the rota on 07947143864 or 01354 680401
Parish Contacts
• Parish Priest: Fr Nicholas Kearney 01354 650788, 07388 545245 email: marchcatholicpriest@gmail.com
• Deacon: Rev Martin Wells 01354 741488 email: mwells42@btinternet.com
• Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (fmm) 01354 652266
• Newsletter: Please submit items for consideration to: marchrcnewsletter@gmail.com
• All Saints Inter-Church Academy Primary, County Road March 01354 659000
• Please visit the Parish website for the latest updates: https://www.catholicchurchmarch.co.uk/
May God bless you and keep you safe this week