Remember, remember . . .

A-field-of-Poppies‘Remember, remember . . .” runs the theme of November. From Guy Fawkes to Holy Souls, November does seem to be a month for remembering things.

A poignant example of this is the two minutes silence the nation holds each year on the 11th of the 11th. The extension of this solemn marking of Armistice Day to include remembrance of all our war dead reproaches us that in the past we have too often failed to remember: that we have tended to forget the horror of war and slipped too easily again and again into conflict.

November is also the month for remembering our deceased loved ones and for praying for those poor souls who may have no one else alive to pray for them.

We are encouraged to call into churches at times we wouldn’t normally attend and say the odd prayer for the dead or arrange to have Masses said for them.

A quaint custom, some might think, but one which is strangely reassuring. Years after we’re all dead and buried and have no one left to pray for us, someone, somewhere will kneel down and put in a word for us with the Almighty.